
Need a C# .NET engineer?

With a versatile and deep background, I can collaboratively engineer your back-end apps and services


Full-time: Two-week notice
Side Gigs: One-week notice


Remote: Only
Local: Lincoln, NE (Remote only)


Direct Hire: Yes, preferred
Contractor: Yes


Python Demo

My first introduction to Python, a simple api using the IDesign methodology. I used Flask for the api handling. The README.md on github contains the use cases and other design notes, along with screenshots of the results. Python itself was not difficult to program in, due to my extensive background in computer languages. However, using […]


An exploration of IDesign principles in .NET IDesign is one methodology for managing software. Much more than a method of architecting and designing, aspects of IDesign can be valuable in your next project. Code available at GitHub

Image by storyset on Freepik

.NET LabDemo.MinimalAPI

A set of apps providing mocked lab data exploring different aspects of .NET 7

Chained Layers

.NET Chained Configuration Demo

A demo beginning a short series of .NET 6 chained configurations from arguments through Azure App Configuration for generic host builders

Orbital Launches

Orbital Launches is a Microsoft stack mini-project involving C#/.NET and deployed via Azure. It accesses an open source external API to display data about orbital launches.

Affirm App: Rails Stack

A Rails 6 app as proof of basic Rails capability, along with basic SASS/SCSS, responsive design, external API, Postgres, MVC, GitHub, and Heroku

[ARCHIVED] Vagrant, Ansible, Ubuntu, and Ruby on Rails VM

I’ve assembled a tutorial and Github project covering how to create and run a Windows 10 virtual machine for Ruby on Rails development using Vagrant and Ansible